Custody when it comes to your kids is complicated if you aren’t educated on the subject…...
Category - Child Custody
Changing A Parenting Plan Post-Divorce: Changing Custody Is...
After a divorce, it is not unusual for one or both parties to want to make modifications to the...
Modifying The Parenting Plan In Tennessee: When Has There Been A...
In Tennessee, if you want to modify the court-ordered Parenting Plan for your child, you must prove...
Equal Parenting Time In Tennessee: Can The Courts Refuse?
Parenting time in Tennessee: Can divorce courts refuse to grant equal parenting time even if that’s...
Grandparent Visitation Rights In Tennessee: Does Blood Relation...
Our family never shared the same last nameBut our family was a family the same(And they say) Blood...
Does Tennessee Give Grandparents Rights?
Oh, play me some mountain music, like Grandma and Grandpa used to play.Then I’ll float on...
Tennessee Moves Toward Equal Parenting Time…But Not So...
Whether you live in Nashville, Franklin, Brentwood, Murfreesboro, or Hendersonville, going through...