Find out how you could be the one to keep your home in a divorce… During a divorce, there is...
Category - Divorce
Divorce: Who Gets Custody?
Custody when it comes to your kids is complicated if you aren’t educated on the subject…...
Divorce Based On Inappropriate Marital Conduct: What to Claim...
In Tennessee, the only type of divorce that can be characterized as “no fault” is one based on...
After The Divorce: What Can Happen If You Try To Alienate Your...
The divorce is finally over. You have a Parenting Plan Order for your children. It says you are...
Can A Prenuptial Agreement Be Invalidated? The “Public...
High asset divorces often involve determinations concerning the enforceability of prenuptial...
The Statutory Injunction : Mind Your Behavior When Divorce is...
What is “Statutory Injunction” and how does it affect your divorce? If you have filed...
Your Cheating Heart: The Consequences of “Fault...
Does “fault divorce” have consequences? Remember the Hank Williams’ song, Your...
Grounds for Divorce: Untying the Knot in Tennessee
Sadly, about half of all first marriages end in divorce, and the statistics for second marriages...